
We connect businesses with consumers to decide what’s next

We help clients take data-driven decisions. Because iteratively validating decisions with your audience is the best guarantee for success. Are you about to make a decision in sales, marketing, product, innovation, HR, … then get in touch!

You're in good company

Discover our platform, community and methodology

What makes us stand-out as a research business partner is the unique combination of a scalable SaaS-platform, a vibrant (g)local community and a proven iterative validation methodology. A combination that guarantees unlimited, fast and easy access to data to allow you to predict business impact.

Scalable SaaS-platform

Clients describe it as a user-friendly, scalable platform with integrated templates and an intuitive analytics dashboard translating data into insights.
Your benefit? Always ready to validate assumptions.

Engaging community

Get fast and easy access to an instantly reachable B2B & B2C community that provides immediate feedback and insights. Easily connect your own customer data for split-run analysis.
Your benefit? Fast and easy feedback in hours.


Together with our clients we co-created templates for recurring business challenges. Jump-start your data-driven decision making with standard frameworks, reference questions and timelines.
Your benefit? Proven expertise.

Delivering value through data, insights and decisions

Collaboration with clients comes in different flavors. From one-off research to dismiss or validate assumptions to providing insights and data-points for a business case. Or even to enable continuous, iterative validation by integrating data-driven decision making in all processes. We always aim to co-create what’s next by aligning our experts, way of working and platform with your ambitions.


Get fast and easy, unlimited access to data through our scalable, future-proof platform. Connect with your audience and receive actionable data to objectify gut feelings and facilitate better decisions. With optional research support.
Client references


Dig deeper with multiple iterations and different research techniques to add relevance and meaning. Our experts help you to gain insights, leverage templates and reference questions to answer specific business challenges.
Client references


One-off or occasional research does not enable you to de-risk your business processes. We align our way of working with true customer-centric companies looking to eliminate all barriers to adopt continuous iterative validation into their business processes.
Client references

Business challenges
we validated

As a research business partner we’ve signed numerous NDA’s. There’s a lot we can’t talk about. But that makes us even prouder of the things we can share.
View all cases

Like what you see?

Then get in touch and find out how our platform, community and research methodology can help to take data-driven decisions.
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