
Deciding what’s next for pricing

Every commercial organization has to define the correct price for its products and services. So no wonder that there are many different pricing strategies. Whatever strategy you adhere to at some point in time you will have to validate what the market will bear. BUFFL assists businesses to decide on pricing in different ways.

We help to clearly define the correct value proposition, validate the best possible business model (pay-per-use, subscription, …), define the competitive set to enable price anchoring, determine price points and even investigate price elasticity.
Team work and problem solvingby Annie Spratt

A-step-by-step approach

Our iterative validation methodology applies design thinking techniques to break-down an overall pricing challenge into different stages like problem - solution - business model and communication.

Not sure where to start? Then start with a zero-measurement study to discover the challenges that have the biggest impact on pricing and your company's objectives. Following exploration and validation research we’ll design an iterative research approach with the lowest cost of learning and fastest delivery of actionable data to base your decisions on.

For pricing strategies

To define the best possible price for products and services it's important to understand what alternatives your target audience is considering. This competitive set and their relative pricing, provides a first anchoring point to define your price. We assist clients to rethink their value proposition in order to create a different anchoring point.

For others we translate the value proposition into tangible offerings, packs or bundles (Telecom, Utility, Content) based on a need-based segmentation with their matching pricing. And last but not least, clients going through a more drastic transformation sometimes need to rethink their business / remuneration model.

For pricing tactics

More tactical pricing decisions like defining the precise price point or price elasticity have a more straightforward research approach. More often based on single research iterations but taking into account specific techniques like Gabor-Granger and Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter.

Our research experts have compiled their expertise in a library of standard survey questions and research templates to jump-start your thinking, saving you time and money.
Client references:

Deciding what's next for

Price with precision. BUFFL helps you find the sweet spot that maximizes revenue and customer satisfaction. Optimize your pricing strategy today.
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Gert Lintermans

Business challenges
we validated

As a research business partner we’ve signed numerous NDA’s. There’s a lot we can’t talk about. But that makes us even prouder of the things we can share.
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