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Co-create with companies across various industries to define the change you want to see. Through our in-app surveys, you can add meaning and relevance to real business challenges, helping to shape the world around you.

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To get started, simply download the BUFFL app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and create your account.
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Share your opinion through quick and easy surveys, and play a role in shaping the world of tomorrow. Your feedback helps drive change and contributes to building a better future for everyone.

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We're more than just a consumer panel. We give you a voice that truly makes an impact. You define the change you want to see in the world through our surveys. They are short, fun, and come with instant rewards.


Community Members


Questions answered
Happy daughterby Michael Dam
selective focus photography of woman wearing brown jacket while standingby Guillaume Bolduc
Leaving home prepared to shoot a campaign but the model didn’t show up and i had to improvise and it was worth it in the end. shot as the golden moment Prince Akachi
Artem’s Portraitby Alex Suprun

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new concepts
validated per year


tokens earned on
average per survey


minutes of your time
per survey
from +350 reviews

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from +350 reviews