2025 will be an important year for BUFFL, as we transformed not only our management team, but also our workflow and our clientele. “We are gradually focussing on more long term partnerships with our clients, instead of ad hoc projects like we used to. We developed a membership and now work with clients as Engie, Mensura, Colruyt and Partena”, Babette explains. “Moreover, we established a team per client to ensure a better and more efficient collaboration.”
Next to our team, our app is our most valuable asset. Every year we invest a lot of resources in the development of the BUFFL app. What started with a platform for data collection, has now transformed into an intuitive tool that transforms data into decisions, thanks to intuitive frameworks, AI and templates.
After 5 years of growth, our team consists of 15 in-house specialists. By the end of 2024, the time was ready for co-founder Seppe Stroo to focus on his own passion for IT and software development, and let Babette step into the role as CEO. Babette states she’s very grateful for this opportunity: “I am really looking forward to challenge not only our team, but also myself as a leader. I’m very excited to see where we’re headed and what I will be able to accomplish with our team!”
Do you want to know more about Babette’s journey so far? Read the full Dutch article here: